Special Olympics, Special Letters

Special Olympics, Special Letters

It’s been two years since the last Special Olympics swim meet was hosted on campus. Because of COVID, the meet was again canceled this year. The athletes of Special Olympics Illinois are patiently waiting to return to their sports and teammates, and the student-athletes at the College are eager to volunteer for the event in the future!

Despite not being able to cheer on the athletes during their events at the meet this year, the Foresters wanted to be sure the Olympians knew they were being supported from afar.

In April, Athletic Council and Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) participated in the Special Olympic Cards for a Special Cause initiative. Representatives recruited the assistance of their teammates to create in total 244 motivational cards, letters, or notes which will be distributed to a total of 122 Special Olympic Athletes (as some shorter notes were combined). It was a way for the campus community to reunite with the Special Olympic community in a socially distant way, and continue the partnership Lake Forest College has had with Special Olympics Illinois in the past.

Aside from providing the Special Olympic Athletes with an exciting opportunity to compete and the Forester student-athletes with a memorable and impactful volunteer experience, the annual swim meet and this year’s Cards for a Special Cause initiative ensure our SAAC continues their partnership with Special Olympics. This partnership was established by the NCAA DIII SAAC in 2011, and continues on strong even though the pandemic. To read more about the SAAC and Special Olympic Partnership, click here!

The Cards for a Special Cause initiative is not over! If you are interested in submitting cards, visit this website. It is the Cause’s goal to send a card to every athlete; that’s over 23,000!

The Foresters hope to host the Special Olympics meet in 2022.