Fans in the Stands

Fans in the Stands

It’s been over a year since we had our 2020 Great Lakes Adaptive Sports Association (GLASA) Sled Hockey event at the College. Despite a whole year between events, we find ourselves still in the midst of a pandemic and still find ourselves not quite back to normal, which is astounding and incredible on many levels.

But, just as many people have found ways to continue with their work, their lives, and their sports, GLASA and Lake Forest have found a way to continue their collaboration.

The “Fans in the Stands” campaign was conceived as a way to help Forester fans show their support for their teams this season when no spectators will be allowed in the games. It also provided the Foresters a way to continue to show their support for GLASA and the athletes that typically would benefit from our annual “The Sleds Are Coming…” sled hockey event.

In total, the “Fans in the Stands” cutout sales brought in over $2,520 in profit, which will be split between GLASA and the College’s COVID Relief Fund.

According to their website, GLASA “strives to ‘Let No One Sit on the Sidelines’ and operates under a mission to promote and support the optimal development and well-being of youth, adults and military veterans who have a physical or visual disability through the provision of inclusive recreation, fitness and competitive sports activities. GLASA offers opportunities for empowerment through education, leadership and training in collaboration with community-based organizations.” Lake Forest College Athletic Department is proud to continue to partner with and support this organization.

Thank you to all who purchased a cutout!