Winter Sports Teams Stay Connected

Winter Sports Teams Stay Connected

The pandemic has offered all of us a unique opportunity to learn how to engage with friends and family in new and meaningful ways. The Forester family is no different. Just because our teams are scattered across the country (and in some cases, the world) doesn’t mean they can’t be together.

While challenged by the fact that there are no competitions or practices, Winter coaches are bringing their teams together and engaging them through various means. This fall semester has offered them chances to do things they would never be able to do with their teams otherwise. Coaches shared some of the specifics of what they are doing with their student-athletes during the first half of their season while they wait for the all-clear to practice and play in January.

The pause in competition and practice has offered some teams the chance to cover some more educational material. Women’s hockey is presenting leadership seminars roughly once a month, discussing a range of topics like conflict resolution and body positivity. Swimming and diving have been done similar programming with their teams; their most recent presentation was on sleep and nutrition.

Small group meetings via Zoom allow for more lively and intimate discussions. A few teams have taken advantage of Zoom’s breakout rooms to allow the team members to get to know each other better, including men’s basketball.

Men’s hockey has also been hosting small group meetings, some led by captains and some led by the coaches. In the meetings they discuss a wide range of topics, including book discussions about How To Be An Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi.

Finally, one way to know people is through stories and pictures. Women’s basketball did a fun project with the team and had them each create a “Jamboard”, where every player was able to share important photos and include small captions so the team could get to know each other better.

While each team is doing something different to continue our Tradition of Excellence, one thing remains the same across all sports: We are Foresters Forever (and this year in particular – Wherever!). 

(You can see detailed accounts of what student-athletes are up to from their perspective in our Highlights From Home series.)